Stelle Postremo tunc ad Ethelredum regem, ...; (Vita Wilfridi (709 - 720), ch. 57 (p. 124)) [46]

Basic Information
ID 46
Text Vita Wilfridi (709 - 720) Stephen of Ripon
Quotation Postremo tunc ad Ethelredum regem, qui ante regnum regebat Myrciorum populorum, semper fidelissimum amicum, nimirum pro nimio gaudio lacrimantem, sanctus pontifex noster veniens,
Translation Then finally our holy bishop came to King Aethilred who had once reigned over the kingdom of Mercia and was always a most faithful friend of his. (Trans. Colgrave, p. 125)
Quotation source ch. 57 (p. 124)
Temporal Coverage 705 - 705
Associated use case(s)