Stelle Eodem tempore Wichmannus sciens Sax...; (Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973), Lib. 3, Cap. 59 (p. 136, lin. 8)) [4657]

Basic Information
ID 4657
Text Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973) Widukind of Corvey
Quotation Eodem tempore Wichmannus sciens Saxoniam bellatoribus vacuam, a Gallia profectus Saxoniam occulte intravit, domum coniugemque revisit, inde se iterum alienigenis inmersit.
Translation At that time Wichmann, who knew that Saxony was empty of fighting men, secretly entered Saxony from Gaul, and returned to his home and wife. He then again joined the foreigners. (Trans. Bacharach, p. 136)
Quotation source Lib. 3, Cap. 59 (p. 136, lin. 8)
Temporal Coverage 959 - 961
Associated use case(s)