Stelle Cum autem omnes in circuitu natione...; (Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973), i.40 (p. 59)) [5039]

Basic Information
ID 5039
Text Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres (967 - 973) Widukind of Corvey
Quotation Cum autem omnes in circuitu nationes subiecisset, Danos, qui navali latrocinio Fresones incursabant, cum exercitu adiit vicitque, et tributarios faciens, regem eorum nomine Chnubam baptismum percipere fecit. Perdomitis itaque cunctis circumquaque gentibus, postremo Romam proficisci statuit, sed infirmitate correptus iter intermisit.
Translation After he had defeated all of the neighboring peoples, Henry attacked and defeated the Danes with his army because they had launched naval raids against the Frisians. After he forced the Danes to pay tribute, Henry had their king, named Knuba, receive baptism. Then, after finally defeating all of the neighboring peoples, Henry decided to go to Rome. However, he was forced to put off this journey when overcome by illness. (Trans. Bacharach, p. 58)
Quotation source i.40 (p. 59)
Temporal Coverage 931 - 934
Associated use case(s)