Stelle Apud Danos regnante tunc Haroldo co...; (Chronicon (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) (1012 - 1018), ii.14 (pp. 52-4)) [5058]

Basic Information
ID 5058
Text Chronicon (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) (1012 - 1018) Thietmar of Merseburg
Quotation Apud Danos regnante tunc Haroldo contempta christianitas sic per Popponem renovata est presbiterum. Arguebat enim idem et regem et populum, antecessorum cultura suorum deviantem, diis ac demonibus vacantem, unum affirmans in tribus personis Deum. Interrogatus autem a rege, si ignito voluisset dicta ferro comprobare, paratum se ad hoc esse hilari respondit animo crastinaque die ferrum ingentis ponderis benedictum ad locum a rege determinatum portavit manumque securam inperterritus elevavit. Quo rex miraculo laetus admodum effectus, cum suis omnibus Christi iugo protinus humiliter se subdidit, in finemque fidelium more preceptis obtemperavit divinis. Imperator autem hoc ut audivit, vocatum ad se venerabilem virum Popponem, si pugil Christi esset, interrogat et sacerdotali honore sublimat.
Translation The priest Poppo renewed the Christian faith among the Danes who were then ruled by Harald. Admonishing both king and people for abandoning the religion of their predecessors and turning to other gods and demons, he affirmed that there was one God in three persons. The king asked if he wished to prove what he said with burning iron and he responded that he would be happy to do this. On the following day, he carried a very heavy piece of iron, which had been blessed, to a place determined by the king. Without fear, he held up his uninjured hand. The king was made very happy by this miracle and, along with all of his people, humbly submitted himself to the yoke of Christ. Until the end of his life, in the manner of the faithful, Harald remained obedient to the divine precepts. When the emperor heard this, he summoned the venerable man Poppo, asked if he was a fighter for Christ, and made him a bishop. (Trans. Warner, pp. 101-2)
Quotation source ii.14 (pp. 52-4)
Temporal Coverage 963 - 965
Associated use case(s)