Stelle Inperator prima expedicione Buschut...; (Chronicon (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) (1012 - 1018), iii.6 (p. 102)) [5060]

Basic Information
ID 5060
Text Chronicon (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) (1012 - 1018) Thietmar of Merseburg
Quotation Inperator prima expedicione Buschuth civitatem cepit. Secunda Danos sibi rebelles petens, ad Sleswic properavit. Ibi etiam hostes suos foveam, quae ad defensionem patriae parata est, et portam, quae Wieglesdor vocatur, armis preoccupare videns, consilio Bernhardi ducis et avi meimet Heinrici comitis omnes has munitiones viriliter exuperat.
Translation On his first campaign, the emperor captured the burg Bossu. On a second campaign, he hurried to Schleswig to attack the rebellious Danes. There, he saw that his enemy had taken up arms and occupied a ditch built for the defence of their homeland as well as the portal called Wieglesdor. On the advice of Duke Bernhard and my grandfather, Count Henry, he forcefully overpowered all these defences. (Trans. Warner, p. 131)
Quotation source iii.6 (p. 102)
Temporal Coverage 974 - 974
Associated use case(s)