Stelle Tunc rex obsidens, et capiens urbes...; (De moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum (996 - 1020), ii.4 (p. 143)) [5067]

Basic Information
ID 5067
Text De moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum (996 - 1020) Dudo of Saint-Quentin
Quotation Tunc rex obsidens, et capiens urbes, populum contra se objurgantem sibi subjugavit. Rollo vero, morari non valens in Dacia, propter regem diffidens sui, Scanzam insulam cum sex navibus aggressus est. Tunc Dacia pio duce, patritioque atque robustissimo advocato privata, magno ejulatu concussa, coepit nimium flere.
Translation Then the king besieged and captured the cities, and subjugated the people who were defying him. And Rollo could not bear to remain in Dacia; he despaired of keeping his own, thanks to the king, and went with six ships to the island of Scanza. Then was Dacia deprived of a pious leader, a patrician and a most valiant protector, and was convulsed by a mighty wailing, and began to weep aloud. (Translation: Eric Christensen 1998, pp. 27-8)
Quotation source ii.4 (p. 143)
Temporal Coverage 850 - 900
Associated use case(s)
Comment The events are legendary but fall logically within the second half of the ninth century.