Stelle ...; (Geography (-20 - 24), Strabo, Geography, 2.5.8, ed. and trans. Horace Leonard Jones, The Geography of Strabo, vol. 1 (London, 1917), 443.) [5343]

Basic Information
ID 5343
Text Geographica (-20 - 24) Strabo
Translation For modern scientific writers are not able to speak of any country north of Ierne, which lies to the north of Britain and near thereto, and is the home of men who are complete savages and lead a miserable existence because of the cold; and therefore, in my opinion, the northern limit of our inhabited world is to be placed there …
Quotation source Strabo, Geography, 2.5.8, ed. and trans. Horace Leonard Jones, The Geography of Strabo, vol. 1 (London, 1917), 443.
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Spatial Coverage Objects