Stelle Τῷ δ’ αὐτῷ ἔτει ἀπὸ αῤχῆς τοῦ Ὀϰτωβ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), ΑΜ 6255 (762/3) (p. 434.6-17)) [5572]

Basic Information
ID 5572
Text Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814) Theophanes the Confessor
Quotation Τῷ δ’ αὐτῷ ἔτει ἀπὸ αῤχῆς τοῦ Ὀϰτωβϱίου μηνὸς γέγονε ϰϱύος μέγα ϰαὶ πιϰϱότατον, οὐ ϰατὰ τὴν ήμετέϱαν γῆν μόνον, ἀλλὰ πολλῷ μᾶλλον ϰατὰ ἀνατολὴν ϰαὶ ἄϱϰτον ϰαὶ δύσιν, ὥστε τὴν ἀϱϰτῴαν τοῦ Πόντου παϱαλίαν ἐπὶ ϱ΄ μίλια τὸ πέλαγος ἀπολιϑωϑῆναι ε’ϰ τοῦ ϰϱύους ἐπὶ λ΄ πήχεις τὸ βάϑος, ϰαὶ ἀπὸ Ζιγχίας μέχϱι τοῦ Δανουβίου ϰααὶ τοῦ Καῦφι ποταμοῦ τοῦ Δάναστϱί τε ϰαὶ Δάναπϱι ϰαὶ τῶν Νεϰϱοπήλων ϰαὶ τῆς λοιπῆς ἀϰτῆς μέχϱι Μεσημβϱίας ϰαὶ Μηδείας τὰ ὄμοια πεπονϑότων. τοῦ δὲ τοιούτου πάγους ἐπιχιονηϑέντος ηὐξήϑη ἐπὶ ἄλλας ϰ΄ πήχεις, ὥστε συμμοϱφωϑῆναι τὴν ϑάλασσαν τῇ ξηϱᾷ, ϰαὶ πεζοβατεῖσϑαι ὕπεϱϑεν τοῦ ϰϱύους ἀπό τε Χαζαϱίας, Βουλγασίας ϰαὶ τῶν λοιπῶν παϱαϰειμένων ἐϑνῶν, ὑπό τε ἀνϑϱώπων ἀγϱίων τε ϰαὶ ἡμέϱων ζώων.
Translation AM 6255 (762/3) (p. 600) In the same year, starting in early October, there was very bitter cold, not only in our land, but even more so to the east, the north, and the west, so that on the north coast of the Pontos to a distance of 100 miles the sea froze from the cold to a depth of thirty cubits. The same happened from Zigchia to the Danube, including the river Kouphis, the Danastris, the Danapris, and Nekropelai, and the rest of the coast as far as Mesembria and Medeia. All this ice was snowed upon and grew by another twenty cubits, so that the sea became indistinguishable from land: upon this ice wild men and tame animals could walk from the direction of Chazaria, Bulgaria, and other adjoining countries.
Summary Description of a particularly cold fall and winter season, causing extensive freezing both on the coast of the Pontos and of the rivers in the area, making Chazaria and Bulgaria accessible by way of the ice.
Quotation source ΑΜ 6255 (762/3) (p. 434.6-17)
Temporal Coverage 762 - 763
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects