Stelle Est insula qui dicitur Scadanan, qu...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), p. 1) [5582]

Basic Information
ID 5582
Text Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680) Anonymous - Other
Quotation Est insula qui dicitur Scadanan, quod interpretatur excidia, in partibus aquilonis, ubi multae gentes habitant; inter quos erat gens parva quae Winnilis vocabatur.
Translation There is an island that is called Scadanan, which is interpreted “destruction”, in the regions of the north, where many people dwell. Among these there was a small people that was called the Winnili. (W.D. Foukes, trans., E. Peters, ed., Origo gentis langobardorum (1974), pp. 315-16)
Summary The Origo opens by placing the mythic origins of a gens [people] called the Winnili in the distant, northern island of “Scadanan”, and gives a translation of the islands name as meaning “destruction”.
Quotation source MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), p. 1
Associated use case(s)