Stelle Et movereunt se exhinde Langobardi,...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), p. 3) [5585]

Basic Information
ID 5585
Text Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680) Anonymous - Other
Quotation Et movereunt se exhinde Langobardi, et venerunt in Golaidam, et postea possiderunt aldonus Anthaib et Bainaib seu et Burgundaib
Translation And the Langobards moved thence and came to Golaida and afterwards they occupied the aldionates of Anthaib and Bainaib and also Burgundaib. (W.D. Foukes, trans., E. Peters, ed., Origo gentis langobardorum (1974), p. 317)
Summary The Langobards leave the island of Scadanan and begin a migration, that takes them first to a place named Golaida, then from there to move into Anthaib and then either expand into or move to Bainaib and Burgundaib.
Quotation source MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), p. 3
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