Stelle ...; (None, Ambrosius, De fide ad Gratianum, II, 16, ed. by Christoph MARKSCHIES (Fontes Christiani 47/3, Turnhout 2005)) [5600]

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ID 5600
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Translation (141) Have we not heard, from all along the border,—from Thrace, and through Dacia by the river, Mœsia, and all Valeria of the Pannonians,—a mingled tumult of blasphemers preaching and barbarians invading? What profit could neighbours so bloodthirsty bring us, or how could the Roman State be safe with such defenders? Enough, yea, more than enough, Almighty God, have we now atoned for the deaths of confessors, the banishment of priests, and the guilt of wickedness so overweening, by our own blood, our own banishment—sufficiently plain is it that they, who have broken faith, cannot be safe. Turn again, O Lord, and set up the banners of Thy faith. No military eagles, no flight of birds,2095 here lead the van of our army, but Thy Name, Lord Jesus, and Thy worship. This is no land of unbelievers, but the land whose custom it is to send forth confessors—Italy; Italy, ofttimes tempted, but never drawn away; Italy, which your Majesty hath long defended, and now again rescued from the barbarian. No wavering mind in our emperor, but faith firm fixed.
Quotation source Ambrosius, De fide ad Gratianum, II, 16, ed. by Christoph MARKSCHIES (Fontes Christiani 47/3, Turnhout 2005)
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