Stelle …et post ipso regnavit Rothari ex g...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), pp. 5-6) [5602]

Basic Information
ID 5602
Text Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680) Anonymous - Other
Quotation …et post ipso regnavit Rothari ex genere Arodus, et rupit civitatem vel castra Romanorum quae fuerunt circa litora apriso Lune usque in terra Francorum quam Ubitergium ad partem orienti, et pugnaverit circa fluvium Scultenna, et occiderunt a parte Romanorum octo milia numerus
Translation …And after him [Aroald] reigned Rothari, of the race of Arodus and he destroyed the city and fortresses of the Romans which were around the coasts from the neighborhood of Luna up to the land of the Franks and in the east up to Ubitergium (Oderzo), And he fought near the river Scultenna, and there fell on the side of the Romans the number of eight thousand. (W.D. Foukes, trans., E. Peters, ed., Origo gentis langobardorum (1974), pp. 320-21)
Summary Here the Origo recounts how following the death of King Aroald, Rothari became King, and how he led an expansionist programme through which he expanded Lombard control over Italy, conquering the Roman coastal cities along the Ligurian coast in the west, from the city of Lune to the lands of the Frankish Kingdom, and in the east Ubitergium (Oderzo) and area around the river Scultenna.
Quotation source MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), pp. 5-6
Temporal Coverage 636 - 652
Associated use case(s)