Stelle Noah's children had sons, who were ...; (Antiquities of the Jews - Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία Ioudaïkḗ (93 - 94), Flavius Jospehus, Antiquitates I, 6, 1, p. 59-61) [5631]

Basic Information
ID 5631
Text Antiquitates Iudaicae (93 - 94) Flavius Josephus
Quotation Noah's children had sons, who were honoured
Translation Noah's children had sons, who were honoured by having their names conferred upon the nations by the first occupants of the several countries. Japheth, son of Noah, had seven sons. These, beginning by inhabiting the mountains of Taurus and Amanus, advanced in Asia up to the river Tanais and in Europe as far as Gadeira, occupying the territory upon which they lit, and, as no inhabitant had preceded them, giving their own names to the nations. Thus those whom today the Greeks call Galatians were named Gomarites, having been founded by Gomar. Magog founded the Magogians, thus named after him, but who by the Greeks are called Scythians. Two other sons of Japeth, Javan and Mados, gave birth, the latter to the Madaeans - the race called by the Greeks Medes - the former to Ionia and all the Greeks. Theobel founded the Theobelians, nowadays called Iberians. The Meschenians, founded by Meschos, are today called Cappadocians, but a clear trace of their ancient designation suvives; for they still have a city of the name Mazaca, indicating to the expert that such was formerly the name of the whole race. Theires called their subjects Theirians, whom the Greeks have converted into Thracians. So numerous are the nations founded by the sons of Japheth. Gomar had three sons, of whom Aschanaxes founded the Aschanaxians, whom the Greeks now call Reginians, Ripathes the Riphataeans - the modern Paphlagonians - and Thugrames the Thugramaeans, whom the Greeks thought good to call Phrygians. javan, son of Japhet, also had three sons: of these Halisas gave his name to his subjects the Halisaeans - the modern Acolians - and Tharsos to the Tharsians; the latter was the ancient name of Cilicia, as it proved by the fact that its principal and capital city is called Tarsus, the Th having been converted into T. Chethimos held the island of Chethima - the modern Cyprus - whence the name Chetim given by the hebrews to all islands and to most maritime countries; here I call to witness one of the cities of Cyprus which has succeeded in preserving the old appellation, for even in its Hellenized form Cition is not far removed from the name Chethimos. So many were the countries possessed by the sons and grandsons of japheth. I have one thing to add, of which Greeks are perhaps unaware, before reverting to the narrative where I left it. With a view to euphony and my readers' pleasure these names have been Hellenized. The form in which they here appear is not that used in our country, where their structure and termination remain always the same; thus Nochos (Noah) in Hebrew is Noe and the name retains this form in all cases.
Quotation source Flavius Jospehus, Antiquitates I, 6, 1, p. 59-61
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