Stelle a. 917 Wigericus episcopus Metensis...; (Annales sancti Vincentii Mettenses (901 - 930), Annales Mettenses, ed. by Pertz, s.a. 917) [5647]

Basic Information
ID 5647
Text Annales sancti Vincentii Mettenses (901 - 930) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation a. 917 Wigericus episcopus Metensis. Ungarii primitus regnum Lotharii ingressi sunt.
Translation 917. Wigeric bishop of Metz. The Hungarians entered the realm of Lothar for the first time. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source Annales Mettenses, ed. by Pertz, s.a. 917
Temporal Coverage 917 - 917
Associated use case(s)