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ID |
5738 |
Text |
Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius |
Quotation |
15. Tertia die barbari quam ingressi urbem fuerant sponte discedunt, facto quidem aliquantarum aedium incendio sed ne tanto quidem quantum septingentesimo conditionis eius anno casus effecerat. 16 nam si exhibitam Neronis imperatoris sui spectaculis inflammationem recenseam, procul dubio nulla conparatione aequiperabitur secundum id, quod excitauerat lasciuia principis, hoc, quod nunc intulit ira uictoris. 17 neque uero Gallorum meminisse in huiusmodi conlatione debeo, qui continuo paene anni spatio incensae euersaeque urbis adtritos cineres possederunt. 18 et ne quisquam forte dubitaret ad correptionem superbae lasciuae et blasphemae ciuitatis hostibus fuisse permissum, eodem tempore clarissima urbis loca fulminibus diruta sunt, quae inflammari ab hostibus nequiuerunt. |
Translation |
15. On the third day after the barbarians had entered the city, they departed of their own free will. A number of buildings had been set alight, but not on the scale of the disaster that had occurred in the 700th year from the City’s foundation. 16. For, if I were to recall the fire that the Romans’ own emperor Nero brought about for his own amusement, it would be beyond doubt that this second fire, started by an emperor’s dissipation, could not be likened to this one, brought on by the victor’s wrath. 17. Nor ought I to recall the Gauls’ sack of Rome as something similar – they held Rome, treading on the ashes of the burnt, ruined city for almost a year. 18. And so that no one should doubt that the enemy was allowed to do this in order to punish the arrogant, debauched, blasphemy of the town, at this same time the most famous buildings in the City which the enemy was unable to set alight were destroyed by lightning. |
Quotation source |
Orosius, Histories VII, cap. 39, par. 15-18, trans. Fear, p. 403-4 |
Temporal Coverage |
410 - 410 |
Associated use case(s) |
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