Stelle Bulgari, societatis sibi Sclavis, e...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), Annales Bertiniani, ed. by Waitz, s.a. 853, trans. Nelson, p. 77) [5745]

Basic Information
ID 5745
Text Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882) Hincmar of Reims
Quotation Bulgari, societatis sibi Sclavis, et, ut fertur, a nostris muneribus invitati, adversus Lodowicum Germaniae regem acriter permoventur, sed Domino pugnante vincuntur.
Translation The Bulgars allied themselves with the Slavs, and lured, so it is said, by our bribes, they moved sharply against King Luis of Germany. But God took a hand in the fight and they were defeated.
Quotation source Annales Bertiniani, ed. by Waitz, s.a. 853, trans. Nelson, p. 77
Temporal Coverage 853 - 853
Associated use case(s)