Keywords |
- Region: Baetica, [wurzel: Baetic]
- Region: Durius, [wurzel: Dur]
- Region: Gallaecia, [wurzel: Gall]
- Ethnonym: Gothi, [wurzel: Goth]
- Region: Hispania, [wurzel: Hispani]
- Ethnonym: Suebi, [wurzel: Sue*]
- Ethnonym: Vandali, [wurzel: vandal]
- Keyword: luna, [wurzel: luna]
- Keyword: perfidus, [wurzel: perfid]
- Keyword: sol, [wurzel: sol]
ID |
5768 |
Text |
Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469) Hydatius of Aquae Flaviae |
Quotation |
Iubente Maldere Sueui in solitam perfidiam uersi regionem Galliciae adherentem flumine Durio depredantur. Quinto kal. Iun., die quarta feria, ab ora quarta in horam sextam ad speciem Iunae quintae uel sextae sol de lumine orbis sui minoratus apparuit. Gothicus exercitus [cum] duce suo Cyrila a Theudorico rege ad Hispanias missus mense Iulio succedit ad Beticam. Legati Gothorum et Vandalorum pariter ad Sueuos ueniunt et reuertuntur. |
Translation |
Quotation source |
Hydatius, Chronicle a. 458, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 110-1 |
Temporal Coverage |
458 - 458 |
Associated use case(s) |
Spatial Coverage Objects |
<QuerySet [<Stelle: Tertio regni anno principis Marcian...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 453-4, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 102-3) [5766]>, <Stelle: Legati Gothorum rursum ueniunt ad S...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 456-7, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 106-7) [5767]>, <Stelle: Iubente Maldere Sueui in solitam pe...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 458, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 110-1) [5768]>, <Stelle: In prouincia Gallecia prodigiorum u...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 462, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 114-5) [5769]>, <Stelle: Aunonenses pacem cum rege faciunt S...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 468, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 120-3) [5773]>, <Stelle: Vandali Silingi in Betica per Valli...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 418, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 86-7) [5780]>, <Stelle: Mense Maio Maiorianus Hispanias ing...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 460, p. 112-13)) [5794]>, <Stelle: Sueui sub Hermerico rege medias par...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 430-1, p. 90-1)) [5795]>, <Stelle: Regresso Censurio ad palatium Herme...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 433, p. 92-3) [5796]>, <Stelle: Rechila rex Sueuorum Emerita gentil...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 448, p. 98-9) [5797]>, <Stelle: Per Theudericum ad Sueuos Remismund...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 463, p. 116-17) [5798]>, <Stelle: Secundo regni anno principis Martia...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 452, p. 102-3) [5799]>, <Stelle: 69 Hispania uniuersa terrarum situ ...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 1, Cap. 2, 69-74 (pp. 29-31, trans. Fear, p. 44)) [5820]>]> - Gallaecia, [wurzel: Gall]
<QuerySet [<Stelle: XV (34) Alani et vandali et Sueui H...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 379, p. 76-77) [5703]>, <Stelle: Iubente Maldere Sueui in solitam pe...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Hydatius, Chronicle a. 458, ed. and trans. Burgess, p. 110-1) [5768]>, <Stelle: Vallia rex Gothorum Romani nominis ...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 417, p. 84-5))) [5793]>, <Stelle: Mense Maio Maiorianus Hispanias ing...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 460, p. 112-13)) [5794]>, <Stelle: 69 Hispania uniuersa terrarum situ ...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 1, Cap. 2, 69-74 (pp. 29-31, trans. Fear, p. 44)) [5820]>]> - Hispania, [wurzel: Hispani]
Comment |
On Maldras' orders the Sueves reverted to their usual treachery and pillaged that part of gallaecia bordering the Durius River. (184) On Wednesday, 28 May, from the fourth hour to the sixth, the sun appreared to be diminished in the light of its orb to the appearance of a crescent moon on the fifth or sixth day. (185) The Gothic army which had been sent to Spain by King Theoderic with his dux Cyrila advanced to Baetica in July. (186) Envoys from the Goths and Vandals came to the Sueves at the same time and returned. |