Stelle Vitus magister utriusque militiae f...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 446, pp. 96-9) [5804]

Basic Information
ID 5804
Text Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469) Hydatius of Aquae Flaviae
Quotation Vitus magister utriusque militiae factus ad Hispanias missus non exigue manus fultus auxilio, cum Carthaginienses uexaret et Beticos, succedentibus cum rege suo illic Sueuis, superatis etiam in congressione qui ei ad depredandum in adiutorium uenerant Gothis, territus miserabili timore diffugit. Sueui exim ilas prouincias magna depredatione subuertunt.
Translation Vitus, appointed magister utriusque militiae and sent to Spain, harassed the inhabitants of Carthaginiensis and Baetica, relying on the assistance of a not inconsiderable corps of soldiers. But when the Sueves approached with their king and even the Goths who had come to help him plunder were defeated in the engagement, he panicked and took to his heels in pitiful fear. The Sueves thereupon overwhelmed those provinces with widespread pillaging.
Quotation source Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 446, pp. 96-9
Temporal Coverage 446 - 446
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects