Stelle Gothi qui ad Vandalos missi fuerant...; (Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469), Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 446-7 pp. 118-21) [5806]

Basic Information
ID 5806
Text Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum (458 - 469) Hydatius of Aquae Flaviae
Quotation Gothi qui ad Vandalos missi fuerant supradictae expeditionis rumore perterriti reuertuntur in celeri. Pariter et Sueui qui post legatos more solito per diuersa loca in praedam dispersi fuerant reuocantur, sed paucis post mensibus ipse rex Sueuorum ad Lusitaniam transit. Conymbriga in pace decepta diripitur. Domus destruuntur cum aliqua parte murorum habitatoribusque captis atque dispersis et regio desolatur et ciuitas.
Translation Terrified by rumours of the above-mentioned expedition, the Goths who had been sent to the Vandals quickly returned. Likewise, the Sueves who, after the dismissal of the Gothic envoys, had been dispersed in their usual manner throughout various places in search of booty, were also recalled but a few months later the king of the Sueves himself crossed to Lusitania. Deceived in a time of peace, Conimbrica was plundered. Its houses were destroyed with a certain part of its walls, its inhabitants were captured and dispersed, and both the city and its territory were left desolate.
Quotation source Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius, a. 446-7 pp. 118-21
Temporal Coverage 466 - 467
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects