Stelle 36 Mons Caucasus inter Colchos, qui...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 1, Cap. 2, 36-45 (pp. 21-3, trans. Fear, pp. 40-1)) [5819]

Basic Information
ID 5819
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation 36 Mons Caucasus inter Colchos, qui sunt super Cimmericum mare, et inter Albanos, qui sunt ad mare Caspium, primum attollitur. cuius quidem usque in ultimum orientem unum uidetur iugum, sed multa sunt nomina; 37 et multi hoc ipsum iugum Tauri montis credi uolunt, quia re uera Parcohatras mons Armeniae inter Taurum et Caucasum medius continuare Taurum cum Caucaso putatur; 38 sed hoc ita non esse discernit fluuius Euphrates, qui, radice Parcohatrae montis effusus, tendens in meridiem, ipsum ad sinistram, Taurum excludit ad dextram. 39 itaque ipse Caucasus inter Colchos et Albanos, ubi et portas habet, mons Caucasus dicitur; 40 a portis Caspiis usque ad Armenias pylas uel usque ad fontem Tigridis fluminis inter Armeniam et Hiberiam montes Acrocerauni dicuntur; 41 a fonte Tigridis usque ad Carras ciuitatem inter Massagetas et Parthos mons Ariobarzanes; 42 a Carris ciuitate usque ad oppidum Cathippi inter Hyrcanos et Bactrianos mons Memarmali, ubi amomum nascitur; a quo proximum iugum mons Parthau dicitur; 43 ab oppido Cathippi usque ad uicum Safrim inter Dahas Sacaraucas et Parthyenas mons Oscobares, ubi Ganges fluuius oritur et laser nascitur; 44 a fonte fluminis Gangis usque ad fontes fluminis Ottorogorrae qui sunt a septentrione, ubi sunt montani Paropanisadae, mons Taurus; 45 a fontibus Ottorogorrae usque ad ciuitatem Ottorogorram inter Chunos Scythas et Gandaridas mons Caucasus.
Translation 36. The Caucasus range first rises among the Colchians who live above the Cimmerian Sea, and among the Albanians who live by the Caspian Sea. As far as its uttermost east, it appears to be one range of mountains, but it has many names. 37. Moreover, there are many who think that the Caucasus is part of Mount Taurus because it is indeed held that Mount Parchoatras of Armenia, which lies between Mount Taurus and the Caucasus, joins the two together. 38. But the river Euphrates shows that this is not the case. It has its source at the foot of Mount Parchoatras and runs south, keeping the Caucasus to its left and cutting off Mount Taurus on its right. 39. Now among the Colchians and Albanians where it has its gates, the Caucasus is called Mount Caucasus. 40. From the Caspian Gates to the Portals of Armenia, or as far as the source of the river Tigris between Armenia and Iberia, it is called the Acroceraunian range. 41. From the source of the Tigris as far as the city of Carrhae among the Massagetae and Parthians, it is called Mount Ariobarzanes. 42. From the city of Carrhae to the town of Cathippus69 among the Hyrcanians and Bactrians, it is called Mount Memarmali. Here amomum is to be found. The nearest part of the range to this place is called Mount Parthau. 43. From the town of Cathippus to the village of Safris among the Dahae, Sacaraucae, and Parthyenae, it is called Mount Oscobares, which is where the river Ganges rises and laser is found. 44. From the source of the River Ganges to those of the river Ottorogorra which lie to the north and to where the mountain‑dwelling Paropanisades live, it is called Mount Taurus. 45. From the sources of the river Ottorogorra as far as the city of Ottorogorra among the Huns, Scythians, and Gandaridae, it is called the Caucasus.
Quotation source Lib. 1, Cap. 2, 36-45 (pp. 21-3, trans. Fear, pp. 40-1)
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