Stelle 1. Ante annos urbis conditae MCCC N...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib 1, Cap. 4, 1-3 (pp. 43-4, trans. Fear, p. 51)) [5821]

Basic Information
ID 5821
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation 1. Ante annos urbis conditae MCCC Ninus rex Assyriorum 'primus' ut ipsi uolunt propagandae dominationis libidine arma foras extulit cruentamque uitam quinquaginta annis per totam Asiam bellis egit; 2 A meridie atque a Rubro mari surgens, sub ultimo septentrione Euxinum pontum uastando perdomuit, Scythicamque barbariem, adhuc tunc inbellem et innocentem, torpentem excitare saeuitiam, uires suas nosse, et non lacte iam pecudum sed sanguinem hominum bibere, ad postremum uincere dum uincitur edocuit. 3 Nouissime Zoroastrem Bactrianorum regem eundemque magicae ut ferunt artis repertorem pugna oppressum interfecit. Post ipse, dum deficientem a se oppugnat urbem, sagitta ictus interiit.
Translation 1. 1,300 years before the foundation of the City, Ninus the ‘first’ (as they would have it) king of the Assyrians, took up arms out of lust to spread his power abroad and lived a bloodstained life, spreading war across all of Asia for 50 years. 2. Rising up from the south by the Red Sea, he laid waste and brought under his sway the far-flung shores of the Euxine Sea, and taught the barbarian Scythians, at that time still a peaceful and innocent race, to arouse their slumbering savagery, to know their own strength, and no longer to drink their herds’ milk, but human blood: in short, as he conquered them, he taught them how to conquer. 3. His last deed was to defeat in battle and slay Zoroaster, the king of the Bactrians, whom men say was the discoverer of the art of magic. After this, he was struck and killed by an arrow while attacking a city that had rebelled from him.
Quotation source Lib 1, Cap. 4, 1-3 (pp. 43-4, trans. Fear, p. 51)
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