Stelle 1 Anno ante urbem conditam XXX Pelo...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 1, Cap. 21, 1-3 (pp. 72-3, trans. Fear, p.) [5825]

Basic Information
ID 5825
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation 1 Anno ante urbem conditam XXX Peloponnensium Atheniensiumque maximum bellum totis uiribus animisque commissum est: in quo mutuis caedibus ad hoc coacti sunt, ut uelut uicti se ab alterutro subtraherent bellumque desererent. 2 Tunc etiam Amazonum gentis et Cimmeriorum in Asiam repentinus incursus plurimam diu late uastationem stragemque edidit. 3 Anno XX ante urbem conditam Lacedaemonii contra Messenios propter spretas uirgines suas in sollemni Messeniorum sacrificio, per annos uiginti indefesso furore bellantes, ruinae suae totas Graeciae uires inplicuerunt.
Translation 1. 30 years before the foundation of the City, there was a great war waged with all their body and soul between the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians. In it, both were compelled by the deaths suffered on each side to withdraw from, and abandon, the conflict, as if they had been defeated by one another. 2. Then, the sudden incursion of the Amazons and Cimmerians into Asia caused devastation and slaughter far and wide for a long period of time. 3. Twenty years before the foundation of the City, the Lacedaemonians waged war against the Messenians because their young women had been spurned at a solemn Messenian sacrifice. They fought for 20 years with untiring fury, entangling the entire strength of Greece in their ruin.
Quotation source Lib. 1, Cap. 21, 1-3 (pp. 72-3, trans. Fear, p.
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