Stelle 12 Anno ab urbe condita CCCCLXIII D...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 3, Cap. 22, 12-15 (p. 178, trans. Fear, p. 145)) [5840]

Basic Information
ID 5840
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation 12 Anno ab urbe condita CCCCLXIII Dolabella et Domitio consulibus Lucani Bruttii, Samnites quoque cum Etruscis et Senonibus Gallis facta societate, cum rediuiuum contra Romanos bellum molirentur, Romani ad exorandos Gallos misere legatos. 13 Quos cum Galli interfecissent, Caecilius praetor ob ulciscendam legatorum necem et conprimendum tumultum hostium cum exercitu missus, ab Etruscis Gallisque oppressus interiit. 14 Septem praeterea tribuni militum in ea pugna occisi, multi nobiles trucidati, tredecim milia etiam militum Romanorum illo bello prostrata sunt. 15 Ita autem quotienscumque Galli exarserunt, totis opibus suis Roma detrita est, ut sub praesenti nunc concursatione Gotthorum magis debeat meminisse Gallorum.
Translation 12. 463 years after the foundation of the City, in the consulate of Dolabella and Domitius, the Lucanians, Bruttii, and Samnites made an alliance with the Etruscans and Senonian Gauls in an attempt to renew the war against Rome. Rome sent envoys to urge the Gauls not to join in. 13. After the Gauls killed these, the praetor Caecilius was despatched with an army to avenge the envoys’ deaths and put down the enemies’ rising, but he was defeated and killed by the Gauls and Etruscans. 14. Seven military tribunes were also killed in this battle, many noble men were slaughtered, and the 30,000 Roman soldiers laid low in the war. 15. And so whenever the Gauls’ spirits became inflamed, Rome lost all. For this reason while we suffer at present from an incursion of Goths, we ought to remember all the more those attacks of the Gauls.
Quotation source Lib. 3, Cap. 22, 12-15 (p. 178, trans. Fear, p. 145)
Temporal Coverage -290 - -290
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