Stelle 6. Aera CDVII, anno V imperii Valen...; (De origine Gothorum (Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum) (560 - 636), Isidor of Seville, History of the Kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, 6-8, trans. Donini and Ford, p. 3) [5842]

Basic Information
ID 5842
Text De origine Gothorum (Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandalorum et Suevorum) (560 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation 6. Aera CDVII, anno V imperii Valentis, primus Gothorum gentis administrationem suscepit Athanaricus, regnans annos XIII, qui, persecutione crudelissima adversus fidem commota, voluit se exercere contra Gothos, qui in gente sua Christiam habebantur, ex quibus plurimos, qui Idolis immolare non acquieverunt, martyres fecit; reliquos autem multis persecutionibus affectos, dum pro multitudine horreret interficere, dedit licentiam, imo magis coegit de regno suo exire, atque in Romani soli migrare provincias. 7. Aera CDXV, anno XIII imperii Valentis, Gothi in Istrum adversus semetipsos in Athanarico et Fridigerno divisi sunt, alternis sese caedibus depopulantes. Sed Athanaricus Fridigernum Valentis imperatoris suffragio superat. Hujus rei gratia legatos cum muneribus ad eumdem imperatorem mittit, et doctores propter suscipiendam Christianae fidei regulam poscit. Valens autem a veritate 111 catholicae fidei devius, et Arianae haeresis perversitate detentus, missis haereticis sacerdotibus, Gothos persuasione nefanda sui erroris dogmati aggregavit, et in tam praeclaram gentem virus pestiferum semine pernicioso transfudit, sicque errorem quem recens credulitas ebibit, tenuit, diuque servavit. 8. Tunc Gulfilas eorum Gothorum episcopus Gothicas litteras condidit, et scripturas Novi ac Veteris Testamenti in eamdem linguam convertit.
Translation 6. In the era 407 (369), the fifth year of Valens' rule, Athanaric was the first to undertake the government of the nation of the Goths; he reigned for thirteen years and decided to apply the very cruel persecution that had been stirred up against the faith to those Goths in his country who were considered to be Christians, very many of whom he caused to be martyrs because they did not agree to sacrifice to the idols. He afflicted the remaining ones with many persecutions; since on account of their numbers he loathed to kill them, he gave them permission, or rather forced them, to leave his kingdom and to migrate to provinces of the Roman Empire. 7. In the era 415 (377), the thirteenth year of Valens rule, the Goths at the Danube split into two opposing parties led by Athanaric and Fridigern, and they ravaged each other with slaughter alternately. But Athanaric prevailed over Fridigern through the favor of the Emperor Valens. On account of this he sent ambassadors with gifts to the emperor, and asked for teachers in order to receive instruction in the Christian faith. But Valens, who had strayed from the truth of the Catholic faith and held the perversity of the Arian heresy, sent them heretical priests and by wicked persuasion attached the Goths to his erroneous doctrine, and by a destructive seed he transferred a noxious poison into such a famous nation, and thus kept and preserved for a long time the error, which credulous people had recently absorbed. 8. Then Ulflas, the bishop of these Goths, established the Gothic script and translated into the same language thw ritings of the Old and New Testaments. $$$
Quotation source Isidor of Seville, History of the Kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi, 6-8, trans. Donini and Ford, p. 3
Temporal Coverage 369 - 377
Associated use case(s)