Stelle 4 Percensuit latitudinem regni sui ...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 6, Cap. 17, 4 (Vol. II, p. 214, trans. Fear, pp. 299-300) [5859]

Basic Information
ID 5859
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation 4 Percensuit latitudinem regni sui Roma cladibus suis atque in suam conuersa caedem singulas quasque gentes ibidem, ubi domuit, uindicauit. Asiae Europae atque Africae, non dico tribus mundi partibus sed totis trium partium angulis edidit gladiatores suos feriatisque inimicis spectaculum miserae ultionis ingessit.
Translation 4. Rome covered the breadth of her realm with her troubles and, turning to slaughter herself, avenged each nation in the self-same place where she had conquered them. In Asia, Africa, and Europe – I am not merely speaking of the three parts of the world, but of every corner of these three parts – Rome exhibited her own people as gladiators, producing a heartbreaking performance of vengeance for an enemy’s holiday.
Quotation source Lib. 6, Cap. 17, 4 (Vol. II, p. 214, trans. Fear, pp. 299-300
Temporal Coverage -44 - -44
Associated use case(s)