Stelle 6 Isdem autem diebus Iudaei, qui ia...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Lib. 7, Cap. 5, 6-8 (Vol. III, pp. 29-30, trans. Fear, p. 329)) [5866]

Basic Information
ID 5866
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation 6 Isdem autem diebus Iudaei, qui iam tunc ob passionem Christi meritis ubique cladibus exagitabantur, apud Alexandriam seditione excitata, profligati caede atque urbe propulsi, expromendarum querellarum causa Philonem quendam, uirum sane in primis eruditum, legatum ad Caesarem miserant. 7 Sed Caligula cum omnibus hominibus tum praecipue Iudaeis infestissimus, spreta legatione Philonis omnes Iudaeorum sacras sedes atque in primis antiquum illud in Hierosolymis sacrarium profanari sacrificiis gentilium ac repleri statuis simulacrisque imperauit seque ibi ut deum coli praecepit. 8 Pilatus autem praeses, qui sententiam damnationis in Christum dixerat, postquam plurimas seditiones in Hierosolymis excepit ac fecit, tantis inrogante Gaio angoribus coartatus est, ut sua se transuerberans manu malorum conpendium mortis celeritate quaesierit.
Translation 6. At the same time, a great miracle attesting the presence of God’s grace occurred. Furius Camillus Scribonian, the governor of Dalmatia, plotted civil war and seduced many powerful legions to change their oath of allegiance. 7. But on the appointed day when they were all to come and rally together to their new emperor, the troops were unable to crown their eagles, or to take up, or move, their standards in any way at all. The army’s confidence was so shaken by their belief in such a great and unexpected miracle that they repented, deserted and killed Scribonian four days after his coup began, and remained loyal to their old allegiance. 8. It is clear enough that nothing has ever been more woeful or destructive to Rome than civil war. So can anyone who denies that this incipient tyranny and impending civil war were crushed by the Divinity because of Peter’s arrival in the City and the few tender Christian seedlings that were scarcely yet budding to profess their faith, give a similar example from previous times of a civil war put down in this way?
Quotation source Lib. 7, Cap. 5, 6-8 (Vol. III, pp. 29-30, trans. Fear, p. 329)
Temporal Coverage 42 - 42
Associated use case(s)