Stelle Imperator vero pace cum Hemmingo fi...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), year 811, p. 135) [5894]

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ID 5894
Text Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Imperator vero pace cum Hemmingo firmata et placito generali secundum consuetudinem Aquis habito in tres partes regni sui totidem exercitus misit, unum trans Albiam in Linones, qui et ipsos vastavit et castellum Hohbuoki superiori anno a Wilzis distructum in ripa Albiae fluminis restauravit, alterum in Pannonias ad controversias Hunorum et Sclavorum finiendas, tertium in Brittones ad eorum perfidiam puniendam. Qui omnes rebus prospere gestis incolomes regressi sunt. (...) Obviarunt ei venienti legati Hemmingi regis, Aowin et Hebbi, munera regis et verba pacifica deferentes; fuerunt etiam Aquis adventum eius expectantes , qui de Pannonia venerunt, canizauci princeps Avarum et tudun et alii primores ac duces Sclavorum circa Danubium habitantium, qui a ducibus copiarum, quae in Pannoniam missae fuerunt, ad praesentiam principis iussi venerunt.
Translation After peace had been made with Hemming and the general assembly held at Aachen according to custom, the emperor sent into three parts of his kingdom an equal number of armies. One went beyond the Elbe against the Linones, which ravaged their territory and restored the castle of Hohbuoki on the Elbe destroyed by the Wilzi in the preceding year. The second went into Pannonia to end the disputes among Huns and Slavs. The third was dispatched against the Bretons to punish their treachery. They all returned home unharmed after carrying out their orders successfully. (...) About the middle of November he (= the emperor) came to Aachen. The envoys of King Hemming, Aowin and Hebbi,came to meet him and brought presents and assurances of peace. Envoys had also arrived at Aachen from Pannonia and waited for him, namely the canizauci, prince of the Avars, and the tudun and other nobles and leaders of the Slavs who live along the Danube. They had been ordered to come before the prince by the commanders of the troops dispatched into Pannonia.
Quotation source year 811, p. 135
Temporal Coverage 811 - 811
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