Stelle (10) Referam qui audierim a maiorib...; (Letter about the Hungarians (900 - 923), Letter about the Hungarians 10, ed. Diesenberger, p. 54-55) [5920]

Basic Information
ID 5920
Text Letter about the Hungarians (900 - 923) Anonymous - History
Quotation (10) Referam qui audierim a maioribus, cum primum execrandae huius gentis nomen apud nos auditum est, sive illud historia sive sit fabula ....
Translation (10) I will report what I heard from the elders when the name of this people to be cursed was first heard in our country, whether it is historical or fabulous. Once upon a time, a massive famine struck the whole of Pannonia, including Histria and Illiria and the neighbouring peoples ...
Quotation source Letter about the Hungarians 10, ed. Diesenberger, p. 54-55
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects