Stelle Quibus ille acceptis, mox ecclesias...; (Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800), 12 (p. 126)) [63]

Basic Information
ID 63
Text Vita Willibrordi archiepiscopi Traiectensis (796 - 800) Alcuin of York
Quotation Quibus ille acceptis, mox ecclesias in eis aedificare iusserat, statuitque per eas singulas presbiteros et verbi Dei sibi cooperatores, quatenus novus Dei populus haberet, quo se diebus festivis congregaret vel salutares audiret ammonitiones, vel a quibus sacri baptismatis munera accepisset et christianae relegionis regulas edisceret.
Translation These he accepted. Shortly afterwards he ordered churches to be built there, and he appointed priests and deacons to serve them, so that the new converts should have places where they could assemble on feast days and listen to wholesome instruction and where they could learn the principles of the Christian religion from those servants of God who had baptized them. Thus the man of God, favoured by divine grace, made increasing progress from day to day. (Trans. Grieve)
Quotation source 12 (p. 126)
Temporal Coverage 700 - 739
Associated use case(s)