Stelle Inimici vero praesulis nostri malor...; (Vita Wilfridi (709 - 720), ch. 25 (p. 50)) [801]

Basic Information
ID 801
Text Vita Wilfridi (709 - 720) Stephen of Ripon
Quotation Inimici vero praesulis nostri malorum suorum memores, putantes in austrum ad Qwoentawic, navigantem, ea via rectissima ad sedem apostolicam pergentem, praemiserunt nuntios suos cum muneribus ad Theodericum regem Francorum et ad Eadefyrwine impium ducem, ut aut exilio maiori dampnarent aut, occisis sociis, omni substantia sua spoliarent.
Translation But the enemies of our prelate, mindful of their misdeeds, believed that he would be sailing south to Etaples and making his way by the most direct route to the Holy See, and so they sent ahead their messengers with bribes to Theodoric, King of the Franks, and to Ebroin, a wicked duke, to persuade them to condemn him to the greater exile, or to slay his comrades and rob him of all his substance. (Trans. Colgrave, p. 51)
Quotation source ch. 25 (p. 50)
Temporal Coverage 678 - 678
Associated use case(s)