Stelle 911. Albuinus interficitur a pagani...; (Annales Laudunenses et Sancti Vincentii Mettenses breves (1001 - 1100), (p. 1295)) [866]

Basic Information
ID 866
Text Annales Laudunenses et Sancti Vincentii Mettenses breves (1001 - 1100) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation 911. Albuinus interficitur a paganis, frater Adelelmi sacerdotis. 937. 9. Kal. Mart., 3. feria, hora prima venit gens Hungrorum circa patriam Francorum. 954. Iterum gens Hungrorum propter peccata nostra a suis est finibus egressa et nostras deveniens in partes multaque nobis intulit mala.
Translation 911. Albuin was killed by pagans, brother of Adelem the priest. 937. On the ninth of the Kalends of March, the third week, at the first hour, the people of the Hungarians encircled the land of the Franks. 954. Again the people of the Hungarians, on account of our sins, left from their borders and came into our lands and did us many evils. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 1295)
Temporal Coverage 911 - 954
Associated use case(s)