Stelle III. Vt idem rex postulans de gente...; (Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (731 - 731), III, Capitula (p. 10)) [897]

Basic Information
ID 897
Text Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (731 - 731) Bede
Quotation III. Vt idem rex postulans de gente Scottorum antistitem acceperit Aidanum, eidem que in insula Lindisfarnensi sedem episcopatus donauerit. IIII. Quando gens Pictorum fidem Christi perceperit. V. De uita Aidani episcopi.
Translation 3. How King Oswald asked the Irish for a bishop and Aidan was sent; and how the king granted him an episcopal see on the island of Lindisfarne. 4. When the Picts received the Christian faith. 5. About the life of Bishop Aidan. (Translation: Colgrave/Mynors, p. 209)
Quotation source III, Capitula (p. 10)
Temporal Coverage 565 - 635
Associated use case(s)