Text Historia Brittonum (829 - 830)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 130.0
Old primary key 130
Title Historia Brittonum
Language lat
Century 9th
From 829
To 830
not before 829
not after 830
Edition Nennius, British History and the Welsh Annals, ed. and transl. by J. Morris, London and Chichester, 1980 (Arthurian Sources, Vol. 8)
Genre Historiography
Comment The Historia Brittonum has come to us in different versions. The early full text survives in the manuscript London, British Library, MS. Harley 3859 (11th-12thc.), upon which rests Morris's edition.
Original data {"tid": 130, "tautor": null, "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Historia Brittonum", "tzeitvon": "829", "tzeitbis": "830", "tjh": "9th", "tedition1": "Nennius, British History and the Welsh Annals, ed. and transl. by J. Morris, London and Chichester, 1980 (Arthurian Sources, Vol. 8)", "tedition2": "MGH, Auct. ant. 13, 1898 (Th. Mommsen), p. 145-222; Nennius, Historia Brittonum. Zweisprachige Ausgabe Lateinisch-Deutsch. \u00dcbersetzt, eingeleitet und erl\u00e4utert von G\u00fcnter Klawes, Marix, Wiesbaden 2012; The Historia Brittonum: The Vatican Recensio, David N. Dumville, D.S. Brewer (Juli 1985); The Historia Brittonum: the Sawley and Durham Recensions:David N. Dumville, Boydell & Brewer Inc (September 1988)", "tart1": "6", "tkommentar": " The Historia Brittonum has come to us in different versions. The early full text survives in the manuscript London, British Library, MS. Harley 3859 (11th-12thc.), upon which rests Morris's edition.", "tort": "68", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": "48"}
  • Nennius
  • Place
  • Wales
  • Textstellen
    Basic Information
    ID 48.0
    PK 48
    Name (de) Nennius
    Name (en) Nennius
    Name (lat) Nennius
    Name (fr)
    Name (it) Nennio
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 8th - 9th c.
    von 770
    bis 810
    Ort Great Britain
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/100954278
    Kommentar Authorship of the early ninth-century compilation Historia Brittonum is attributed, probably falsely, to Nennius in only one manuscript of the text. He is identified as a disciple of Elfoddw, Bishop of Bangor from before 768 to his death in 809.
    ID 68.0
    PK 68
    Name (antik) Cambria
    Name (de) Wales
    Name (fr) Pay de Galles
    Name (it) Galles
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad -4.09515
    Breitengrad 52.414467
    Art des Ortes Region
    CSV {"ortid": 68, "ort_en": "Wales", "ort_antik": "Cambria", "ort_de": "Wales", "ort_fr": "Pay de Galles", "ort_it": "Galles", "koordn": NaN, "koordw": NaN, "art": "Region", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "", "heilige": ""}