Text Breviarium sive ordo officiorum (Liber ordinarius Montis Cassini) (1001 - 1100)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 321.0
Old primary key 321
Title Breviarium sive ordo officiorum (Liber ordinarius Montis Cassini)
Language lat
Century 11th
From 1001
To 1100
not before 1001
not after 1100
Edition Spicilegium Friburgense, 45, 2008 (Th. Forrest Kelly), p. 263-486
Genre Others
Comment The file edited by Th Forrest Kelly provides the text of an ordinary – the 'Breuiarium siue ordo officiorum' - originally compiled at the end of the eleventh century at Monte Cassino. The editor takes account of ight specific texts. The ordinary was indeed transmitted through five manuscripts originating from the sphere of influence of Monte Cassino (identified by the letters N, O, P, Q and R) and through three other anuscripts written and used in Benevento (these designated as C, D and R)
Original data {"tid": 321, "tautor": "0", "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Breviarium sive ordo officiorum (Liber ordinarius Montis Cassini)", "tzeitvon": "1001", "tzeitbis": "1100", "tjh": "11th", "tedition1": "Spicilegium Friburgense, 45, 2008 (Th. Forrest Kelly), p. 263-486", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "12", "tkommentar": "The file edited by Th Forrest Kelly provides the text of an ordinary \u2013 the 'Breuiarium siue ordo officiorum' - originally compiled at the end of the eleventh century at Monte Cassino. The editor takes account of ight specific texts. The ordinary was indeed transmitted through five manuscripts originating from the sphere of influence of Monte Cassino (identified by the letters N, O, P, Q and R) and through three other anuscripts written and used in Benevento (these designated as C, D and R)", "tort": "27", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": null}
  • Anonymous - Other
  • Place
  • Monte Cassino
  • Textstellen
    Basic Information
    ID 0.0
    PK 0
    Name (de) Anonym - Sonstiges
    Name (en)
    Name (lat) Anonymous - Other
    Name (fr) Anonyme - Divers
    Name (it) Anonimo - Varie
    Name (gr)
    Ort no english name provided for id: 1
    ID 27.0
    PK 27
    Name (antik) Cassinum
    Name (de) Cassino
    Name (fr) Cassino
    Name (it) Cassino
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 13.83
    Breitengrad 41.492778
    Art des Ortes Ort
    Kategorie monastery
    CSV {"ortid": 27, "ort_en": "Monte Cassino", "ort_antik": "Cassinum", "ort_de": "Cassino", "ort_fr": "Cassino", "ort_it": "Cassino", "koordn": 41.492778, "koordw": 13.83, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "monastery", "heilige": ""}