Text Annales (Vincentius canonicus Pragensis) (1168 - 1174)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 450.0
Old primary key 450
Title Annales (Vincentius canonicus Pragensis)
Language lat
Century 12th.
From 1168
To 1174
not before 1168
not after 1174
Edition MGH, SS 17, 1861 (W. Wattenbach), p. 658-683
Genre Annals
Original data {"tid": 450, "tautor": "184", "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Annales (Vincentius canonicus Pragensis)", "tzeitvon": "1168", "tzeitbis": "1174", "tjh": "12th. ", "tedition1": "MGH, SS 17, 1861 (W. Wattenbach), p. 658-683", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "5", "tkommentar": "", "tort": "219", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": null}
  • Vincent of Prague
  • Place
  • Prague
  • Autoren
    Basic Information
    ID 184.0
    PK 184
    Name (de) Vinzenz von Prag
    Name (en) Vincentius ecclesiae Pragensis canonicus et notarius
    Name (lat) Vincent of Prague
    Name (fr) Vincent de Prague
    Name (it) Vincenzo di Praga
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 12th.
    von Took part in Frederick I's expedition against Milan in 1158
    bis After 1174
    Ort Prague
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/100963870
    ID 219.0
    PK 219
    Name (antik) Pragensis
    Name (de) Prag
    Name (fr) Prague
    Name (it) Praga
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 14.43322
    Breitengrad 50.079079
    Art des Ortes Ort
    Kategorie bishopric
    CSV {"ortid": 219, "ort_en": "Prague", "ort_antik": "Pragensis", "ort_de": "Prag", "ort_fr": "Prague", "ort_it": "Praga", "koordn": 50.079079, "koordw": 14.43322, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "bishopric", "heilige": ""}