Text Chronica a monacho Novi-monasterii Hoiensis interpolata (-1241) (1232 - 1241)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 995.0
Old primary key 995
Title Chronica a monacho Novi-monasterii Hoiensis interpolata (-1241)
Language lat
Century 1stH. 13th.
From 1232
To 1241
not before 1232
not after 1241
Edition MGH, SS 23, 1874 (P. Scheffer-Boichorst), p. 674-950
Genre Annals
Original data {"tid": 995, "tautor": "368", "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Chronica a monacho Novi-monasterii Hoiensis interpolata (-1241)", "tzeitvon": "1232", "tzeitbis": "1241", "tjh": "1stH. 13th.", "tedition1": "MGH, SS 23, 1874 (P. Scheffer-Boichorst), p. 674-950", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "5", "tkommentar": "", "tort": "319", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": null}
  • Alberic of Trois-Fontaines
  • Place
  • Trois-Fontaines-l’Abbaye
  • Autoren
    Basic Information
    ID 368.0
    PK 368
    Name (de) Alberich von Trois-Fontaines
    Name (en) Albericus Trium-fontium monachus
    Name (lat) Alberic of Trois-Fontaines
    Name (fr) Aubry de Trois-Fontaines
    Name (it) Alberico delle Tre Fontane
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 13th c.
    bis 1252
    Ort Liège
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/100935737
    ID 319.0
    PK 319
    Name (antik)
    Name (de) Trois-Fontaines-l’Abbaye
    Name (fr) Trois-Fontaines-l’Abbaye
    Name (it) Trois-Fontaines-l’Abbaye
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 4.9503
    Breitengrad 48.7186
    Art des Ortes Ort
    Kategorie monastery
    CSV {"ortid": 319, "ort_en": "Trois-Fontaines-l\u2019Abbaye", "ort_antik": "", "ort_de": "Trois-Fontaines-l\u2019Abbaye", "ort_fr": "Trois-Fontaines-l\u2019Abbaye", "ort_it": "Trois-Fontaines-l\u2019Abbaye", "koordn": 48.7186, "koordw": 4.9503, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "monastery", "heilige": null}