Autor Bonzio of Sutri

Basic Information
  • LIBER AD AMICUM (1080 - 1094)
  • Legacy ID 201.0
    Name (de) Bonizo von Sutri
    GND ID
    Name (lat) Bonizo Sutrinus
    Name (en) Bonzio of Sutri
    Century 11th.
    From 1045
    To 1094
    Start Date 1045
    End Date 1094
    Place Sutri
    Comment The dates of birth and death are an approximation.
    Original data {"aid": 201, "anamed": "Bonzio von Sutri", "anamelat": "Bonizo Sutrinus", "anameeng": "Bonzio of Sutri", "anamefr": "", "anameit": "", "avon": "1045", "abis": "1094", "ajh": "11th.", "aort": "", "akommentar": "The dates of birth and death are an approximation."}