Autor Rothari, Rothair

Basic Information
  • EDICTUS ROTHARI (643 - 643)
  • Name (de) Rothari
    GND ID
    Name (lat) Rothari, Rotharius
    Name (en) Rothari, Rothair
    Name (fr) Rothari
    Name (it) Rotari
    Name (gr) Ροδόαλδος, Ροδβάλδος
    Century 7th c.
    From ~606
    To 652
    Start Date 606
    End Date 652
    Place Pavia
    Comment The date of birth is approximate. Rothari was made king of the Lombards in 636 [Event, ID:72], and the first written law-code for the Lombards, the Edictus Rothari [Text, ID: 1096], was issued in his name from the palace at Pavia on 22 November 643 [Event, ID:71].