The date of birth is approximate.
Liutprand was made king of the Lombards in 712 [Event, ID:75], and issued numerous additions to the Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984] in multiple legislative phases across the first two-and-a-half decades of his reign. Collectively, these are edited as the Leges Liutprandi [Text, ID:1098], and include legislation issued in:
The first year of his reign (713) [Event, ID:76, Text ID:1099],
The fifth year of his reign (717) [Event, ID:77, Text ID:1100],
The eighth year of his reign (720) [Event, ID:78, Text ID:1101],
The ninth year of his reign (721) [Event, ID:99, Text ID:1102],
The tenth or eleventh year of his reign (722 or 723) [Event, ID:79, Text ID:1103],
The eleventh year of his reign (723) [Event, ID:80, Text ID:1104],
The twelfth year of his reign (724) [Event, ID:81, Text ID:1105],
The thirteenth year of his reign (725) [Event, ID:82, Text ID:1106],
The fourteenth year of his reign (726) [Event, ID:83, Text ID:1107],
The fifteenth year of his reign (727) [Event, ID:84, Text ID:1108],
The sixteenth year of his reign (728) [Event, ID:85, Text ID:1109],
The seventeenth year of his reign (729) [Event, ID:86, Text ID:1110],
The nineteenth year of his reign (731) [Event, ID:87, Text ID:1111],
The twenty-first year of his reign (733) [Event, ID:88, Text ID:1112],
The twenty-second year of his reign (734) [Event, ID:89, Text ID:1113],
And the twenty-third year of his reign (735) [Event, ID:90, Text ID:1114].