Text Liutprand Leges Anni X/XI (722 - 723)

Metadaten zum Text
Old primary key None
Title Liutprand Leges Anni X/XI
Alternative title Laws of King Liutprand, from the tenth or eleventh year
Language lat; key legal terms in langobardic
Century 8th c
From 722
To 723
not before 722
not after 723
Edition MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 98, 121
Genre Legislative Texts
Comment Laws issued in the tenth or eleventh year of Liutprand’s reign (722 or 723), comprising the law edited as Liutprand No. 29. The laws form part of the collected Leges Liutprandi [Text, ID:1098], which in turn are part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text:ID:984].
  • Liutprand
  • Textstellen
    Basic Information
    PK None
    Name (de) Liutprand
    Name (en) Liutprand, Liutprandus, Liuprand,
    Name (lat) Liutprand
    Name (fr) Liutprand
    Name (it) Liutprando
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 8th c.
    von ~685
    bis 744
    Ort Pavia
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/102517460
    Kommentar The date of birth is approximate. Liutprand was made king of the Lombards in 712 [Event, ID:75], and issued numerous additions to the Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984] in multiple legislative phases across the first two-and-a-half decades of his reign. Collectively, these are edited as the Leges Liutprandi [Text, ID:1098], and include legislation issued in: The first year of his reign (713) [Event, ID:76, Text ID:1099], The fifth year of his reign (717) [Event, ID:77, Text ID:1100], The eighth year of his reign (720) [Event, ID:78, Text ID:1101], The ninth year of his reign (721) [Event, ID:99, Text ID:1102], The tenth or eleventh year of his reign (722 or 723) [Event, ID:79, Text ID:1103], The eleventh year of his reign (723) [Event, ID:80, Text ID:1104], The twelfth year of his reign (724) [Event, ID:81, Text ID:1105], The thirteenth year of his reign (725) [Event, ID:82, Text ID:1106], The fourteenth year of his reign (726) [Event, ID:83, Text ID:1107], The fifteenth year of his reign (727) [Event, ID:84, Text ID:1108], The sixteenth year of his reign (728) [Event, ID:85, Text ID:1109], The seventeenth year of his reign (729) [Event, ID:86, Text ID:1110], The nineteenth year of his reign (731) [Event, ID:87, Text ID:1111], The twenty-first year of his reign (733) [Event, ID:88, Text ID:1112], The twenty-second year of his reign (734) [Event, ID:89, Text ID:1113], And the twenty-third year of his reign (735) [Event, ID:90, Text ID:1114].