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Total results: 154
ID Title Edit/Delete
156 Battle of Covadonga |
154 Battle of Guadalete |
108 Battle of Poitiers |
145 Battle of the Catalaunian Plains |
107 Battle of Toulouse |
110 Beginning of the Southern Campaign of Louis II |
158 Berber revolts |
139 Birth of Louis II |
137 Byzantine-Avar treaty of 623 |
149 Byzantine-Sasanian War |
11 c. 1000 Iceland, Hungary and Poland Christianised |
57 c. 630 Newly unified Chinese Empire under the Tang Dynasty overcomes First Turkish Khaganate in Mongolia |
19 c. 900 Hungarian realm established in the Carpathian Basin; beginning of raids in Italy and the Frankish kingdoms, Bavarian defeat at Bratislava (?, 907) |
133 Campaign of Priscus |
111 Captivity of Louis II |
104 Capture of Bari |
106 Conquest of Iberian Peninsula |
141 Coronation of Louis II |
117 Cutrigur invasion |
148 Death of Alboin, King of the Lombards |
126 Death of Columbanus, founder of the monasteries of Luxeuil and Bobbio |
138 Death of Khan Kuvrat |
143 Death of Lothar I |
103 Death of Louis II |
153 Death of Muhammed |
101 English invasion of Ireland |
142 First imperial coronation of Louis II |
129 First reign of Justinian II |
131 First Turkish embassy in Constantinople |
127 Founding of the first Irish monastery (Schottenkloster) at Regensburg |
128 Founding of the first Irish monastery (Schottenkloster) at Regensburg |
150 Heraclian revolt against Phocas |
152 Hijrah of Muhammed |
74 July 668, promulgation of Leges a Grimwaldo additae |
140 Louis II designated as sub-king of Italy |
115 Louis II leaves Southern Italy |
147 Lund replaces Hamburg as archbishopric of the North |
109 Muʿāwiya ibn Abī Sufyān, first caliph of the Umayyad Caliphate |
146 Norman conquest of England |
134 Offensive of Priscus |
100 Palladius sent to Irish Christians as their first bishop |
135 Reign of Phocas |
112 Second coronation of Louis II |
130 Second reign of Justinian II |
105 Siege of Constantinople |
113 Siege of Salerno |
151 Slavs attack Byzantium |
121 Synod of Cashel |
123 Synod of Kells |
122 Synod of Ráith Bressail |

Page total: 50