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Total results: 387
ID Name (en) Longitude Latitude Edit/Delete
303 Catania 15.0902 37.5 |
304 Pöhlde 10.30865 51.612828 |
305 Kornelimünster 6.178056 50.728611 |
306 Angers -0.555556 47.472778 |
307 Bellevaux 6.531111 46.256944 |
308 Visegrád 18.970278 47.785833 |
309 Sázava 14.8937 49.8601 |
310 Turin 7.7 45.066667 |
311 Reinhardsbrunn 10.5575 50.868333 |
312 Basle de Verzy 4.161365 49.145339 |
313 Besançon 6.021389 47.242222 |
314 Riez 6.092778 43.818056 |
315 Engelberg 8.402785 46.82083 |
316 Rein 15.285056 47.135087 |
317 Brussels 4.363056 50.843333 |
318 Amalfi 14.6025 40.635556 |
319 Lautenbach (Haut-Rhin) 7.158611 47.940833 |
320 Rottenbuch 10.966667 47.734722 |
321 St Albans -0.342222 51.750556 |
322 Hohenaltheim 10.533333 48.783333 |
323 Trois-Fontaines-l’Abbaye 4.9503 48.7186 |
324 Heisterbach 7.21389 50.69528 |
325 Leon -5.57 42.605556 |
326 Lübeck 10.683889 53.866111 |
327 Basel 7.58769 47.55814 |
328 Saint-Denis 2.3539 48.9356 |
329 Limoges 1.2625 45.8353 |
330 Ténès 1.304444 36.512222 |
333 Saint-Quentin 3.287835 49.847801 |
334 Oviedo -5.845 43.36 |
335 Odense 10.374295 55.402277 |
336 Viken 7.450311 59.910064 |
337 Bosau 10.43841 54.095624 |
338 Trondheim 10.368723 63.418796 |
339 Ramsey -0.102158 52.44841 |
340 Gallaecia -7.5740097 43.0122823 |
341 Nienburg 11.7327185 51.8368747 |
342 Kraków 19.919378 50.0569872 |
343 France 2.2769953 48.8588336 |
344 Bern 7.44744 46.94809 |
345 Vatican City 12.4533 41.90225 |
346 Palestine 35.222168 32.006184 |
347 Gaul 2.2769953 48.8588336 |
348 Boulogne-sur-Mer 1.61667 50.71667 |
349 Amida/Diyarbakır 40.2334445 37.9122455 |
350 Birka 17.543056 59.334722 |
351 Schleswig 9.5282157 54.5188481 |
352 Saint-Omer 2.2297537 50.7672628 |
353 Como 9.0515 45.4836 |
354 Seligenstadt 8.9293204 50.0291533 |

Page total: 50