SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Si quis iudex aut quiscumque homo m...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 190) [5411]>]> - Baioaria, [wurzel: Baioari]

Basic Information
Keyword Baioaria, [wurzel: Baioari]
Comment Bavaria
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((10.92453 48.730832, 11.181335 48.732644, 11.711426 48.788771, 11.799316 48.886392, 11.988831 48.937837, 12.024536 49.036968, 12.091827 49.05137, 12.296448 49.037868, 12.554626 48.978414, 12.98172 48.859294, 13.184967 48.687334, 13.474731 48.615662, 13.676605 48.601133, 13.95401 48.500228, 14.109192 48.379058, 14.547272 48.260341, 14.514313 48.197218, 14.433289 48.033101, 14.372864 47.982568, 14.358444 47.936127, 14.455948 47.920944, 14.445648 47.856481, 14.298706 47.803931, 14.125671 47.806698, 13.896332 47.788248, 13.776855 47.672786, 13.577728 47.548725, 13.434906 47.47916, 13.349762 47.408574, 13.249512 47.309034, 13.09021 47.21677, 12.599945 47.179446, 12.284088 47.120607, 12.150879 46.990558, 12.196198 46.887416, 12.373352 46.769968, 12.371979 46.648493, 12.01355 46.67771, 11.773224 46.707853, 11.539764 46.463403, 11.25824 46.431232, 11.085205 46.618318, 10.652618 46.551305, 10.463104 46.67771, 10.331268 46.881784, 10.306549 47.160774, 10.732269 47.486585, 10.788574 47.666312, 10.906677 47.816843, 10.854492 48.070738, 10.891571 48.381794, 10.877838 48.664664, 10.92453 48.730832))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Si quis iudex aut quiscumque homo m...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 190) [5411]