SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Si quis iudex aut quiscumque homo m...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 190) [5411]>]> - Francia, [wurzel: Franci]

Basic Information
Keyword Francia, [wurzel: Franci]
Comment Francia, in relation to Lombard law-giving in the mid-seventh century
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((7.069702 46.658862, 7.13562 47.036439, 7.511902 47.363013, 7.597046 47.622827, 8.01178 48.580241, 8.4375 50.078295, 8.366089000000001 51.310013, 8.250731999999999 53.429174, 7.855225 53.742214, 6.591797 53.507651, 5.690918 53.566414, 4.932861 53.298056, 4.713135 52.86913, 4.130859 51.99841, 3.328857 51.570241, 2.406006 51.041394, 1.582031 50.944584, 1.593018 50.148746, 1.010742 49.767074, 0.065918 49.646291, 0.054932 49.303636, -1.142578 49.274973, -1.373291 49.79545, -1.889648 49.710273, -1.845703 49.468124, -1.395264 48.618385, -1.933594 48.687334, -2.39502 48.687334, -2.730103 48.520243, -3.175049 48.864715, -3.57605 48.730832, -3.955078 48.712713, -4.740601 48.56025, -4.790039 48.330691, -4.504395 48.221013, -4.691162 48.059725, -4.361572 47.816843, -3.883667 47.879513, -3.175049 47.583937, -2.801514 47.472663, -2.515869 47.290408, -2.070923 47.081345, -2.15332 46.80382, -1.625977 46.399988, -1.356812 46.130363, -1.153564 45.533289, -1.400757 43.719505, -1.576538 43.401056, -0.532837 42.88804, 0.703125 42.617791, 1.345825 42.712714, 2.186279 43.667872, 2.927856 44.130971, 3.823242 44.441624, 4.729614 44.370987, 5.130615 44.205835, 5.278931 43.798854, 5.248718 43.365126, 5.949097 43.044805, 6.602783 43.177141, 6.871948 43.460894, 7.116394 43.656943, 7.522888 43.78101, 7.499542 43.865723, 7.576447 43.949327, 7.649918 43.978981, 7.662964 44.023434, 7.715149 44.08068, 7.667084 44.129492, 7.594986 44.156593, 7.441864 44.130478, 7.297668 44.156593, 7.163773 44.196482, 7.014771 44.233393, 6.902161 44.356751, 6.872635 44.517562, 6.945419 44.656443, 7.021637 44.741369, 6.950912 44.856842, 6.828003 44.86463, 6.763458 44.972085, 6.755219 45.066731, 6.853409 45.120537, 7.003784 45.218324, 7.14592 45.282134, 7.335434 45.34008, 7.502975 45.424962, 7.731628 45.685077, 7.866211 45.981695, 8.165588 46.246351, 8.448486000000001 46.445427, 7.66571 46.511625, 7.069702 46.658862))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Si quis iudex aut quiscumque homo m...; ([II] Ratchis Leges p. chr. 746, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 190) [5411]