SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: In qua Scythia prima ab occidente g...; (De origine actibusque Getarum (Getica) (550 - 555), 5.33 (p. 62, lin. 9-11)) [4947]>]> - Gepides, [wurzel: Gepid]

Basic Information
Keyword Gepides, [wurzel: Gepid]
Comment With the river "Flutausis" of the text identified as the river Oltû.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((20.374146 46.980252, 21.19812 47.687579, 22.791138 47.591346, 24.537964 47.152369, 25.724487 46.286224, 25.339966 45.251688, 23.285522 44.543505, 22.033081 44.816916, 20.681763 44.855869, 20.264282 45.767523, 20.374146 46.980252))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • In qua Scythia prima ab occidente g...; (De origine actibusque Getarum (Getica) (550 - 555), 5.33 (p. 62, lin. 9-11)) [4947]