SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: 10. 45. Odoacar vero, cuius supra f...; (Consularia Italica: Anonymi Valesiani pars posterior (540 - 550), MGH Auct. Ant. 9, p. 314-315) [5556]>]> - Rugi, [wurzel: Rug]

Basic Information
Keyword Rugi, [wurzel: Rug]
Comment Copy of Spatial Coverage "Pannonia" of the same text. The text places the saint Severin surprisigly in Pannonia, although the place of his deeds in the Vita is always explicitly stated as "Noricum" or "Raetia". According to the Anonymus Valesiani, therefore, the story about the Rugi thus takes place in Pannonia.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((14.103699 48.184401, 14.40033 48.239309, 15.075989 48.334343, 15.861511 48.381794, 16.366882 48.279537, 16.943665 48.085419, 17.262268 48.081749, 17.520447 47.875829, 17.773132 47.754098, 18.322449 47.72824, 18.327942 46.80382, 16.905212 46.449212, 16.322937 46.811339, 15.141907 46.995241, 13.900452 46.976505, 14.114685 47.238219, 13.999329 47.50607, 13.807068 47.894248, 13.960876 48.125768, 14.103699 48.184401))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 10
  • 10. 45. Odoacar vero, cuius supra f...; (Consularia Italica: Anonymi Valesiani pars posterior (540 - 550), MGH Auct. Ant. 9, p. 314-315) [5556]