SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: 795: Audiens vero, quod Saxones mor...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), 795, p. 96) [5009]>]> - Saxonia, [wurzel: Saxoni]

Basic Information
Keyword Saxonia, [wurzel: Saxoni]
Comment In the text Annales Regni Francorum 795, Charlemagne entered Saxonia and went with his army to the Elbe and the place Hliuni, i.e. Lüneburg.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((10.279083 53.31939, 10.391693 53.434083, 10.509796 53.366943, 10.70755 53.360387, 10.825653 53.291489, 10.710297 53.214257, 10.49881 53.1583, 10.26535 53.197807, 10.193939 53.275068, 10.279083 53.31939))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 6
  • 795: Audiens vero, quod Saxones mor...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), 795, p. 96) [5009]