SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Et Novembrio mense mediante ad hib...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), year 797, p. 102) [5012]>]> - Saxonia, [wurzel: Saxoni]

Basic Information
Keyword Saxonia, [wurzel: Saxoni]
Comment A Castrum at Herstelle at the Weser: the wintercamp of Charlemagne's 797 campaign against the Saxons, in Saxonia.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((9.398631999999999 51.643323, 9.397173 51.632563, 9.415711999999999 51.62164, 9.437084 51.626489, 9.445410000000001 51.636399, 9.440431999999999 51.647052, 9.430733 51.651046, 9.409018 51.649235, 9.400349 51.646306, 9.398631999999999 51.643323))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 2
  • Et Novembrio mense mediante ad hib...; (Annales regni Francorum (787 - 829), year 797, p. 102) [5012]