SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Μετὰ δὴ ταῦτα καὶ ὁ τῶν Ἀβάρων τοῦ ...; (Historia syntomos (780 - 828), 10.1-35 (pp. 50-53).) [5013]>]> - Avari, [wurzel: Avar]

Basic Information
Keyword Avari, [wurzel: Avar]
Comment The Avars first try to ambush Emperor Heracleios at Herakleia, then set up camp in front of the city of Hebdomon
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((28.869873 40.981064, 28.855728 40.984486, 28.849823 40.990498, 28.846802 40.999412, 28.844604 41.009154, 28.844193 41.016511, 28.847351 41.025318, 28.862595 41.06245, 28.877701 41.068766, 28.882507 41.073114, 28.887451 41.076013, 28.891296 41.078083, 28.895966 41.08036, 28.903381 41.081706, 28.912033 41.082224, 28.920479 41.082974, 28.928719 41.083285, 28.942589 41.083285, 28.951378 41.087425, 28.959068 41.088357, 28.96566 41.088564, 28.971291 41.088253, 28.974586 41.085044, 28.969093 41.077074, 28.965248 41.072519, 28.951241 41.070551, 28.946297 41.065582, 28.935276 41.059032, 28.930744 41.046812, 28.919552 41.036713, 28.910488 41.02366, 28.900085 41.017418, 28.881203 41.004154, 28.869873 40.981064))
Points and lines SRID=4326;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (27.9427495559911 40.96544035026))
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Μετὰ δὴ ταῦτα καὶ ὁ τῶν Ἀβάρων τοῦ ...; (Historia syntomos (780 - 828), 10.1-35 (pp. 50-53).) [5013]