SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: (…) et revertente Hludowico ab obsi...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), a. 869, p. 106) [5557]>]> - Bari, [wurzel: ]

Basic Information
Keyword Bari, [wurzel: ]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((16.757172 41.15983, 16.745361 41.149283, 16.72998 41.128805, 16.740417 41.095902, 16.737396 41.070231, 16.750305 41.05677, 16.784637 41.04455, 16.859619 41.033156, 16.885986 41.031706, 16.90329 41.034192, 16.940094 41.055528, 16.963989 41.083482, 16.949707 41.098593, 16.918945 41.110804, 16.872253 41.155073, 16.852478 41.153419, 16.812378 41.155901, 16.773102 41.158382, 16.757172 41.15983))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • (…) et revertente Hludowico ab obsi...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), a. 869, p. 106) [5557]